大阪 占い師 鴨 海舟先生の記事 Come vist us, Luna

鴨 海舟先生の記事Come vist us, Luna

梅田店 7F
梅田店 8F

  • スピリチュアル編

2023.2.14 Come vist us, Luna
鴨 海舟先生

We are fortune tellers “Luna, the fortune teller house” located in Umeda 3-5 minutes from either Osaka station or Umeda stations of Hankyu/Hanshin/Underground.


My name is Kaishu Kamo.

I’m using western and eastern astrology, Horary astrology of West and East, Tarot.


I have studied eastern mystical methods and helped my clients for decades.

For your worries about love, job and any other issues, I am ready and happy to help you find answers with my experienced methods.


Let me support you with finding the key to happiness!


Best wishes,


Kaishu Kamo


